Sunday, August 26

Morning assembly: Now we will announce the selected three groups for the Pop talentime showcase"
Me: Oh well... cant be us since there were already three names on th elist=/
Assembly man: ok ffirst we have: bla bla bla (i forgot who), led by lalalaalala (i forgot whom)
Me: Sad stuff... wish my group got in...
Assembly man: Next we have Trouble Cleft led by Charles Low from 0741C.
Me: What in the world did that man just say?

WHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! hahahahah yupp WE MADE IT~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So we practiced on sat and changed the song/ songs and and and I CANT WAIT FOR TML!!!!!!!!!! HOPE THE REHERSAAL GOES GOOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wish me luck=)

Monday, August 20

I have to blog something today...
where do i start... mm
I guess the latest peice of news is that I had a crush on this girl in school. I gotta admit it. And I conclude its just a crush, well at least started off as one, since I started liking her way before I even got to know her.(Dont make sense yea? well It didnt to me=)
So her birthday just passed and I made a lil gift (which took a lil more than eight hours to make) and I was really really really happy I did it! I just wanted to see a smile and her 'I had hoped to be estatic' reaction=D But... though I didnt really expect much of a reaction... I was suprised that I didnt get half a reaction at all..

Wow! haha yea... your welcome anyhow.

Getting a half hearted reply can be frustrating sometimes... but that'll do anyday when you're getting non at all=)

And well, the last thing I gotta say today, is that If someone wants to tell me something like.. for example, Im not interested, it's always easier to say it to me(through sms, call, or mail- call's best.. or even face to face!) than to tell your friend to tell her friend to tell my friend to tell me.


I've been thinking...

Alot about NS... and well, apart from teh fact that I'd love to be a pilot and I completely dont mind their Jungle trails and harsh living, I cant get over my fear of heights (so much for pilot huh?) I reeeallly dont wanna do reservice for the years after because I know I can do much more AND I still cant get over the fact that I have to serve NS before becoming a British citizen (I dont wanna call any government gay... but..) I mean, dont get me wrong... Singapore, is with no doubt one of the most sophisticated cities in the world and Iove living here.

ANyhow, today we entered the POP talentime showcase auditions and.... We have no idea of the results yet!


not funny.



Sunday, August 12

Random thought=)

I cant believe that's how I'm supposed to conclude it

And I'm supposed to infer the silence?

Didn't that mean something?

AHAHHA are you serious?

No more was it about the things she said, I heard from you
Now its more of what she didn't say, what you didn't do

Should I cry or merely weep
In thoughts so deep, now I must sleep.

Nites mum.
Oh man! It's been a pretty long time since I've last updated my blog from what i see! Anyhow, life's been pretty the usual- nothing bad happened so far. Nothin' really good too.

I took a look at my friendster profile and thought: 'That's a long time ago' hahah jokes! yea it was. I guess most of the stuff there still applies but here's an update of my life!

After this short- uneventful holiday, I'm gonna step into a new lifestyle- just to see how it goes. And no, i have no idea how healthy it is for both body and soul... but what the heck eh? hahaha like i said- we'll see!

On mondays- I'm gonna really burn those neurons in school till around 6 thirds before I run it home to slip into my un-school uniform to breathe in the early morning air! Yeap, time for the night life! But of course this form hof relaxation has to be earned with my unhindered concentration in school.

I've got touch Rugby on tuesdays so... you do the math= Home sleep- Wednesday.

Wednesday is study day again- till about five thirds before I run it home and... night life? I've yet to decide... c'mon sam! NEXT WEEK!

Thursday is concluded with touch training and Music to fill in the gaps

Friday is untouched... yet. so fill me up!

Sat nights I'm floorballing with Feat-G and probably working out- probably=)

Sundays are Alleluia (is that how you spell it) days, lunch with mum and gramps and the aunts and runnnin it home to prepare for the next week of school.

My mid course hasn't even started and I'm already planning for the holidays- call me insane- and i'd probably agree.

So many things I wanna do!

but yea that'll be on another post=)

And please people, I was born on teh 22nd of july so my birthday is over!

gotta sleep now.
