Wednesday, June 25

School, is the best place to meet people, 

the worst place to know people.

Catch my drift?

If you get sucked in to the current of studying, you may make it through, but your social life wont. Okay, maybe not yours, maybe you're handling it way better than I can, but that's how its turning out for me.

So, here's the message to my friends,

I am a social landmine
Clearly it is when studies are on my mind

I wont say I'm going to try to fit in some social effort
Becuase it either is there or not
Studies are making me hard to talk to

But I still listen, no worries, if you can't wait till A's are over=)

But the bottomline message is,

Give me till after A's, and we can hang out,  no stress, no burdens, just you, me us, a nice talk, a good easy time,

And we could get to know each other all over again

till then, study hard, take care

and I'll see you there!

Monday, June 23

I wish my Dad appreciated me

Wednesday, June 18

Ok well, we cant talk about all victories right?!

We had a friendly with VJ and shit... they were good. Respect. That's how we're supposed to play!

Anyhow, enough with the praises, that's as good as you get from me. Hahahaha
 Work hard guys. (the main purpose of this post is to balance out my other post because when i re read it, about the NJ match, i think i sounded like we were undefeatable. well......



Wednesday, June 11

Guess what!? We beat NJC! it wasnt a comfortable victory though... 4 to 3 so... we can say that it was pretty much like a draw... Nah, we won. HAHAHA ok ok I was just Playin. Anyhow, today I saw real potential in the IJ players, like suddenly all of em went into overdrive and really unleashed everything they've learnt.

The cutting of the team will be a hard decision for whoever is makin it, but it's for the team, so I hope those who dont make it understand. Anyhow, to be extremely positive, there would be next year (of which those who didnt cut it this time should be able to cut it then=)

Ok, back to my life, the first thing I wanted to say when opening this post was... screw prelims.

I'm sacrificing it for the A divs. Honestly, It'll be one of the biggest sacrifices in my history! I swear. So after all teh A divs, i will go into social landmine state and collect dust in the study room( or wherever one may dwell), grow a beard and try to score in a whole new game altogether, or maybe not so new, the A levels.

Honestly, I cant wait for it to be over. It's like taking a 2 year-deep breath, turning blue for the last second before you finally get to breathe and do what you want again! Or maybe not, because it's taking another breath in NS again... shucks...

Yea I got into Frickin Pes B beacause I'm partially colour blind. Sometimes I do wonder, whe do people choose Red and Green for start and stop, not something more obvious like Blue and yellow, or red and blue. Haha, do you think the person who came up with red and green was colour blind for blue and yellow?

Something else I've noticed... I havent written or posted a poem in forever...

I wanna go: Ahh... its all so tiring! Why dost thee have to go through all this turmoil? Why?! Why can't I find an Answer?! Why?! If only there was someone who could help me...

Well... then I snap up in the next millisecond and go... that's a waste of time to be askin those questions Charles... and by the way... there really is someone who can help you.


Monday, June 9

I was talking to my friend today, and he mentioned that it's good to have someone give deep-thought advice. Well, trophy to all who already know I appreciate you and I'd like to say thanks to this passer-by person who has refused to tell me who he/ she is... But thanks for the deep advice. By my character, I've got to be more... open to advice and opinion, I have this ingrained tendency to like going against odds, yes , retarded I know, and I havent been very welcoming of all the things this passer-by has been telling me. But I've re read em all and I just wanna say thanks again.


Ok so now about my day.... training the whole day! wow! yes... I'm very tired.. but more than that, I wanna win the A'divisions, and I am clear of the price to pay, alot of energy. We can do this guys.

Thus, we need not lose

Because we need not be lazy.

You get it.

Thursday, June 5

So... forever it has been, again, since my last post.

What's new? Nothing much really.

A division floorball is coming up and guess what!? I devised a strategy play! Here's how it goes: this guy will pass to that guy and then run here while the other guy recieves the ball there and pass it to the other guy who takes it back to the same guy who then passes it to the previous guy who takes it and shoots! cool huh? no worries, i know none of you got that but, I have it on paper=)

Prelims are really taking a toll on me (Preperations i mean)

I had my National Service check up yesterday, and being my critical self, I , according to the booklet they gave me (which also labels a person's life as a about hundred thousand dollars,) I shall not comment to avoid being slammed in jail. 

Shucks.... I was labelled colour blind... I swear I'm not... ok a lil... I do think grey is pink sometimes (ask my friends)

Tick tick tick... 4 more minutes before i have to leave the house...for floorball that is.

Really wonder when I can have time to write songs and really record them... ok dumb question! After A's of course!

think think! what else did I want to say?!

"Ignorance is not bliss

Bliss is he who can afford to be ignorant."
- Charles(Yes! a quote that makes me go...ahhh... so philosophical! and it's mine! unless of course someone has already taken it=)

Oh! someone in my tagboard said I was cool and i'm not a social disaster: that was sweet, made me feel really happy=) Though I still think I am (according to my friends who have been with me knowing I have been a social landmine), Thank You!

Shucks! It's 8am!

Gotta go.

The tide is falling, brace yourself...

... or run like hell.