Thursday, June 5

So... forever it has been, again, since my last post.

What's new? Nothing much really.

A division floorball is coming up and guess what!? I devised a strategy play! Here's how it goes: this guy will pass to that guy and then run here while the other guy recieves the ball there and pass it to the other guy who takes it back to the same guy who then passes it to the previous guy who takes it and shoots! cool huh? no worries, i know none of you got that but, I have it on paper=)

Prelims are really taking a toll on me (Preperations i mean)

I had my National Service check up yesterday, and being my critical self, I , according to the booklet they gave me (which also labels a person's life as a about hundred thousand dollars,) I shall not comment to avoid being slammed in jail. 

Shucks.... I was labelled colour blind... I swear I'm not... ok a lil... I do think grey is pink sometimes (ask my friends)

Tick tick tick... 4 more minutes before i have to leave the house...for floorball that is.

Really wonder when I can have time to write songs and really record them... ok dumb question! After A's of course!

think think! what else did I want to say?!

"Ignorance is not bliss

Bliss is he who can afford to be ignorant."
- Charles(Yes! a quote that makes me go...ahhh... so philosophical! and it's mine! unless of course someone has already taken it=)

Oh! someone in my tagboard said I was cool and i'm not a social disaster: that was sweet, made me feel really happy=) Though I still think I am (according to my friends who have been with me knowing I have been a social landmine), Thank You!

Shucks! It's 8am!

Gotta go.

The tide is falling, brace yourself...

... or run like hell.

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