Thursday, September 18

What's new? 

Nothing, absolutely nothing- though this in itself is ironically new in itself

Nah... not... i over-credit myself



theres no any-way

there's only one

it is quite sickening- how i study and study like some geek- just that i pretty dont much get anywhere

havent been doing much better i've noticed
right, im wasting space using "enter".  
im supposed to sleep now
so anyhow, I wonder how the world is doing... i hear my friends are getting straight As
thats great for them, kinda hurts to hear though, but great nevertheless
been watching tv lately- havent done that in months (feels.... enriching?)
you know... reading on this post is really gonna waste your time.. so unless you are so free like me (which I am hardly),
you should do something else... like watch youtube.

Oh yea! I tried writing a song to God. Inspiration hit me like a brick! That's why i couldnt finish it cuz it kinda knocked me out. 
I wonder... I wonder so many things... don't you? Wonder what we're all doing here
Wonder what I'm doing here, typing
For attention? For a listening ear? Watching eye? To share?

I figured I get at a  lost for words whenever something is not good or bad/ right or wrong. Normality is a void in me.

Maybe thats the bloody problem- I'm always hoping for something extravagant.
And it gets on my F****** nerves.
Its because I always hope for fireworks or a river to part that I am always unrested.

Ambition is a brave thing, but it tires you. It's tiring me.

I do have normal ambitions too... which ironically are the greatest ambitions in its own way: like, having a family, 2 kids, simple life, happy.


but even that is extravagant

at least to me

Make up your mind Charles...

Before you lose it.

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