Sunday, March 18


The dismissal bell sounded through the school and like escaping fish, students streamed out of their classrooms. I walked with the flow toward the canteen, passing a notice 'Student Concert- share your talent!', and planted myself at the 'usual' spot, a table smack in the centre of the canteen with a pillar behind the east bench. "Hey Chad!" The ageless cheer, it was Sapphire - she had mid length black hair which fell across right side of her face like a curtain covering her bright smiles which always reminded me of the sun, lightening gloomy days. I had just recently got to know Sapphire even though she claimed to be from the same batch of first-intake students into the college. But how was it possible? She wasn't short, and her estatic laughter was unmistakable! How could I not notice her existence till now? "Hey Saph" I replied before she skipped away toward the foodstalls."Talking to your imaginary friend again?" And this was Saj, a pegasus who was posted to the same class as I after dropping science for arts, large built reaching eight feet but his braces granted a more friendly appearance than one would usually have. "No, I'm not. Why'd you guys keep making fun of her? She's nice". Well, she'd be much nicer if she asked me out on a date" Saj remarked. "Right, dream on yo, I've got math to do". I sucked at math, it is a rare sight to see a passing grade on my report and i consider myself, exceptionally lucky to have got through my O's with a 'B4'. "Going anywhere later Chad?" Saj asked, biting his pen cap. "Yea, gonna start on another painting"I replied "Another dream?" "Probably" I mumbled.I loved painting, my hobby since my first stroke. Most of the time, I just painted anything which crossed my mind while holding the brush. Occasionally I just enjoy making swirls of different colors. But i must admit that my most outstanding pieces, are inspired by my dreams.

It was late in the evening by the time I had returned home and I went straight to my studio because I felt it was unnecessary to shower only when I'd get paint all over myself again. Either that or I was just lazy. "Paints... water... brush.. alright, now what?" I spent a few moments in a daze, in thought, searching for something to paint. But it wasn't because I didn't already have something in mind, I was trying to avoid it, my most recent dream.

I was sitting on a bench, in a field of black roses, staring into the sky, counting the stars. I had been there for hours and had eventually lost count but still looked at each star for a second to acknowledge its presence, to thank it for accompanying me in the dark. Out of nowhere a hand of ice touched my arm and I froze, too afraid to look at who was suddenly beside me. From the edge of my eye, I saw a figure, a woman, a shadow, all black and I felt a link to the dreams I had years ago. I was shivering from either fear, or the cold, or both. "Oz jrtr, fpmy nr dvstrf" it.. she, whispered into my ear, words I couldnt understand, but i stopped shiverring, her touch felt cold no more and gradually became warm, comforting. Seconds later, a huge gust of wind surged across the field from the left and there were black petals thrown all over. Her hand cluctched onto mine like a child afraid to be lost at a large carnival. I gripped onto the the hand with as much strength and with my other arm tried to shelter my face from the flowery storm. I struggled to keep my eyes open against the stinging of the chaotic petals but it overcame me and faded. When I opened my eyes again, I was on my bed with the sun beaming through the windows, I was late for school again.

After three years the dreams came back to me, dreams with shadowy figures with ice-cold skin. This was the fifth night in a row sice they returned and I wonder, why they came back. Or was it how they went away?

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