Sunday, July 15

Greetings everyone! I apologize for not updating for so long- Been REALLY BUSY.

So whats up?

LOTS! (Really)

Let's see... a couple of weeks ago, I was suffering form a bacterial tonsilitis infection (holy crap). But I'm ALIVE~ phew...

Li Ting was really sooooooo nice to help me get the nerds ropes! Thanks Bunny!!! XP

And right now, I'm in the middle of the floorball 'A' divisions tournament-league thing. It has been a great experience so far, and I find the fast paced game rather addictive- the adrenaline and energy of the game truly gets me going. So far we've been up against M.I., Y.J. and N.J., all fantastic teams where we experienced a draw, loss, and a win respectively=)

So well... prayin hard for the next few matches =D (just spent 2 hours practicin!)

Anyhow, Just yesterday, before the match with N.J., I got into a really unnecessary arguement with my literature teacher. I shant elaborate the explicit details of the most childish conflict online or I might get caught and forced to make some public apology (For something I... actually... I was just scolded for nothin... so... If ya wanna know the details... just ask me=)

But I must thank Victor and Kenneth for really standing up to make things clear.- How arrogance can get on every sane person's nerve...arg. But fear not guys, I got you covered- I told our form teacher to listen to our side of the story first before swallowing all the first-hand Bu*lsh*t from whomever it may(MAY) concern.

Currently, I've been really busy with floorball... though I really miss rugby. AND, I've yet to find time for 'Art day'. *Sigh*
But once it's over, I'll be back people!

I was really glad that the new coach actually acknowledged me as the touch rugby- boys captain=)

So that's for my sports life

Now for my studies. I passed only 2 H2 subjects (dang.)

For Lit-I passed, but I really had thought I could have gotten higher with my content.
For Geog- I failed by 1.75 marks... not forgetting that I missed a 25 mark question because I thought I could have done either one of the two 25 mark questions (I must admit that it was REALLY Dum)
I failed Chinese B- passed the compo part (I know.. fail is fail but hey, I can't read and I'm still tryin!=)
Math went suprisingly well, disregarding the fact that I still failed.
And Econs, I passed- Just passed- but I really could have done better (If only I read the correct source!)

So ever since, I've been tryin to squeeze time to study a lil here and there, starting from term one work- In other words, I'm pretending that I just entered a JC in July.

My day?- was pretty interesting? well... it wasn't bad=)
Straight after COP, Glen, Victor and I went to Cityhall to play Local Area Network games(Can you believe it? Charles is actualy playin games?) But the most suprising part of it was that I could play CS- pretty suprising well for a complete blockhead for the game! (*cough* I was the *cough cough* top fragger *cough*) It was really funny hearing the kid beside me curse and swear after I killed his character while I was just laughing at the fact that I actually managed to hit someone. (He eventually decided that I was looking at his scrren( I wasn't ) and he turned the entire monitor away (HAHAHAHA) Then the child prodigy started lookin at my screen (Your Welcome!=) Jokes! It's just a game dude! hahaha.

Random fact- It has been more than a year since I've last played LAN games at all (WOW~). And four hours straight made me desperate to find a tree to fight myopiaX)

So then Glen and I went to have lunch, and we made our ways home. I went to serangoon to meet up with Joevenn to study (Which we did... a lil) then I thaught him how to play floorball. He left early so i stayed on till about eleven thirty, practicing running with the holey ball (It was tiring I tell you!). And finally, back home.

I've been thinking alot lately- kinda like always.

Everytime I try to talk to you
I forget when I want to be perfect too
Everytime I try to pull a smile
The weight of my thoughts make me lost for awhile
Don't get me wrong because you really get to me
It just comes five seconds later and then you'd see

See me jump, squeal and rhyme
Muffled in action like a fanatic mime
Is my hair out of place
Heart beats out of pace
A galloping steed winning the race

But I don't know how to begin
All the courage locked in
It'll be my own sin
If I don't ask you in

I know what to do
But it doesn't make sense cause its you
I needa be something different, be something new
Be who I am
Be the one who began
And reach for that hand
With a touch, not to end.

I Lay onto velvet Empyrean
Keeping real, your sweet thaughts aLways


What are the odds?

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