Friday, May 18

I am definitely not in the right state of mind today.

Today was sports day, got a silvere medal for 4 by 4, i figured it was a really big achievement for me.
Had GP test and Chinese B one too.

' The world waits for no one'

I am terribly tempted to twist that line with love

'But I'll wait for you-'


'Because you are my world'

Yea I've been having all these insane build ups of stress anger and joy.

I had fun mingling with the crowd and making new friends, one of which I remember was 'fifi'

'But the hustle and bustle become a silent noise'

What? yea, I cant stop, it just keeps coming. I don't quite understand all these poetic things which come to my mind. I guess -

'It came its time to begin, The dormant Love bird within awakes to sing'

I will score no less than Bs for my summer test.
I will record the 'Troubled Clleff'
I will floor the ball sport.
I will gain 4 kgs
I will break in the moves for august

'Something snapped within when something closed without
Something rose to begin, when something died out.'

'I'll silence it before the first note
And I'll write over the lines I first wrote'

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