Saturday, October 20

About time!

Hey everyone! I know it's been awhile so... here i am! My exams were a tragic mess- i think so- its quite obvious. But yea, i gues it was my fault=) didnt study hard enough- played too much. Anyhow, PW is really draining me- so much for after exam enjoyment.

I would like to tell all my fellow friends and everyone else... to stop saying I have a thing for "K" (I use "K" so that the rest of the world who has no idea doesn't get a new one=) I liked her before i really knew her (I used to think she was a hell of a pretty girl (I'd give her that)) ... and I still don't know her (A few conversations don't tell you much really) so.... i guess you can't say it was much really. More like a crush. But it really was one- that's why in the card I gave her for her birthday, I said :" I find you're a really attractive person" and I'd like to get to know you better=D <-- ok? haha but it didn't happen cuz she was too busy + not interested (as told by my friend who was told by his friend who was told by K's friend who was told by her, herself.) But, fret not because it's not something to slice for because 1 i've tried and 2 it's no point crying over spilt milk (can i use it this way?) haha so don't for a sec think i'm "emo" over BGR stuff okai? because there wasn't a much of a "R" in the "BGR" here! haha cheers people!

To more important stuff, I think it is another year in Innova- and anyhow, as much as I'd hate to admit it, I think it'll be better that way. I've had all teh fun anyone should have in a JC already and completely jeapordized my studies- I'm a slow learner=) <-- can't help it... maybe. 

So anyhow- i guess i don't have much of a holiday ahead for me (Thanks to PW- though I am truly honored to be working with a  really wonderful team- I am really blessed=)- except for the overseas trips which I am truly very much looking forward too!=)

Self Improvement begins now! Laters!

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