Monday, April 9
Another drea-... Nightmare.
A mild gust kicked up a whirl of leaves around my bench while I indulged in a cheeseburger. The night was chilly and the crickets sanng proudly in the background. The park was very much empty, lifeless like the grave which surrounded it, distinguished by a rusty fence. I guess I just wanted some time to myself but there was company. Two people were walking pass me, both girls with scarfs across their faces, best friends I suppose, both dressed in identical outfits, A Timberland sweater, a pair of Lee jeans-It had a huge 'Lee' across the knees, and a pair of black boots. They very much caught my attention, being the only things which were alive in the park. Both of them were laughing and kicking leaves at each other. It was a pleasant sight at first to see people in their youth, happy as they are... until one of them removed her scarf and smiled at me. Saph? The other girl was still laughing to herself as though the other was right beside her. The smile wasn't a happy one, it was wicked. When she blinked, both of her eyes entirely became pitch black as she pulled out from her pocket a knife, long enough to be mistaken for a short sword. I froze, in fear, in horror and again I couldn't move. My mind was running in every direction and chanting. "No, no don't kill her, Saph! don't kill your friend! Or me!, Put it away, please!" Nothing told me anyone was going to get hurt, but I had the worst gut feeling that that knife was going to be used. When her 'friend turned around, it was too late. The unsuspecting victim let out a shriek of raw pain which shattered the peaceful atmosphere, Saph had already lunged the blade far enough for me to notice the purtrusion from the back of her jacket. "No Saph!" I screamed! For the most damned reason, I still couldn't move. It was torture having to see something so terrifying yet not be able to do anything, not even run away. Saph continued stabbing the girl. "Leave her alone! Saph! Saph!"I was screaming, in my mind. The last thing I heard before I awoke from this nightmare, was the victim saying with her last breath, "Draqjor, eju?"
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