Thursday, April 5

Something Wrong

I felt like a convict, boarding a caged vehicle which would transport me to some prison, guilty of scathing my impression on my friends. Tapping my credit pass, I weaved through the thick crowd to find a standing spot, but instead, I found a seat, inexplicably unoccupied almost as if it were deliberately left vacant for me. I sat... only to look up to a hundred eyes staring straight back at me. The strangest sensation ran down my spine like a millepede. I had no idea what was going on, no suprise. I swung my head around, seriously, everyone was staring at me. Was the seat meant to be vacant? I stood up but the eyes remained on me. "Is oy joz.."One by one they began what seemed like chanting, fixed in their places. "od oy him.." And it became louder. "What? What's wrong?" i said, and then shouted. It seemed as though so many things were happening at once then the driver suddenly hit the breaks, i was thrown, not just at the crowd, but through it. I diffused straight through their bodies, and the heads turned, following my suspended animation but none moved a muscle to catch me. I fell hands down and tumbled to the front, pushed myself up and the driver leaned over " Are you ok? Damn van, bet it was a lady! Really sorry boy" "Yea, i'm ok... it's ok" But really, it wasn't. I felt as if when the driver hit the breaks that I was thrown into another bus because the bus was now empty.

I got off the bus once it reached Farright Ave, and dragged my terrified body home past the usual diner, across the highway, past the signboard "Highway to hell", past th- I swung my head back, " highway to heathrend", I was seeing things, too many things to count, straight to my door.

By the time I had gotten ready for bed my nerves were wrecked beyond recognition and my heart had become numb from all the beats it had skipped. I closed my eyes, and again my heart skipped to the ring of my phone. "Who in heaven's name would call me at this- Oh... Hi Saph... What's up?"
"Hey Chad, sorry for calling so"
"It's ok really"
"I just wanted to..."
"Can we hang out after school tomorrow?"
"Are you askin me out?"
"I'm just kiddin!"
"Alright, see ya tomorrow" i said with a sleepish smile.
"Your We-" She hung up.
I fell asleep with my head on the phone.

1 comment:

Joe said...

Charade parade sounds emo.