Saturday, April 14


Weeks passed and I survived, night after night. I had grown out of the phobia of running into mailmen and grown further in the relationship between Saph and I. It had become a routine for us to take turns paying for dinner, besides the closing gap, nothing else changed, not even her insistence that I couldn't send her home.

"Hey Saj, wanna get something to drink?" I asked, out of courtesy. "Nah, thanks, gonna get a drink for Saph too?" he replied, laughing and shaking his head after. "Right" I acknowledged, and made my way. Natasha had just bought a stack of economics notes and was walking back to the table. "Hey Nat, seen Saph?", "Never see her!". I had to ask Saph something.

Faster than I could remember, we were walking from dinner again.
"Where were you in school today?"
"Hmmm... alright"
"Haha, why?"
"Nothing... Well... I was just looking for you, that's all." I said, with a smile.
"Oh, what for?"
"... I"
" Was.. just wanted to check if we were gonna meet for dinner", Why couldn't I have thought of a better excuse?
"We meet every night? Jokes."
"Actually, I just missed you" I whispered to myself.
"Nothin!" But I know she heard me.

"Well, here we are.. cya Saph"
"Yea... I wanna buy a drink first"
"It's kinda late, why dont you just drink at ho-"
"Hold on!" She ran off and returned as fast as she did with a bottle of half frozen coke. The thought of her sudden odd craving for frozen softdrinks amused me.
"Ok! done, see ya tomorrow!" She waved and began walking off. She had a habit of never letting me finish what I had wanted to say, I had a habit of finding it cute.
"Oh wait!" she stopped, walked back-
I asked, "Forgot somethi-" My question was interrupted tremendously with a cold(frozen coke I guess) kiss (she skipped away straight after), which sent my mind spinning and my body went numb. I stood there "Did she just..- no...-yes! no! Hahaha! Did she?!Long after she skipped away, i finally stretched out my hand, "Bye?"

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