Saturday, April 14

Tell me...

I opened my eyes, but still, I was blind. Everything was white, just plain, untouched white. I couldn't blink because I had no eyelids, when I looked doen, I didnt even have a body.
I watched enough movies to say "Am I in heaven?", I started laughing to myself at how stupid I sounded uitil a surrounding voice boomed at me,
"Oh shit! I'm in hell?"
And then a less dominating voice replied me,
"You're just dead"
"They're not gonna make the same mistake again"
"What mistake?"

When I was born, I was dead, I came up in two places at once, I had commited no sin, I popped up in heaven. Inexplicably, the doctor's who deliverd me managed to bring me back, and I fell straight back to earth. My birth was chaotic, how could you go to heaven and come back down? It was broke the 'treaty' that the departed are to stay departed. So hell sent up a few of their minions just to return the favour.
I asked the voice everything, and I got all the answers I could ever want, more than I even asked for.

I could 'see' because in my seconds in heaven I saw spirits, and it became part of my sight.
"They couldn't touch you, so they played with your sleep"
"So why'd they stop?"
"Because they found something more valuable, something they 'can' get."
"What? What was it?" I was starving for knowledge, I knew this was my only source.
"They were after Saph."
"Saph?! They stopped for Saph?"
"Saph had a twin sister-"
"Why Saph?! Her sister killed her! Selphie! They should be after Selphie-"
"Yes, they were...

The angels stood on one end, tall, bright, clean and the nether ones stood on the other, broken, charred, very much dead, both were called upon to collect their souls. Because both of them departed in the same period, both sides met. One was to be taken below for murder, and only one was to be taken above for being victomised in innocence. Sapphire was aware her sister was going to hell, and she learnt in church it was eternal torment. Inspite of the murder, she forgave, forgot, and gave her place up in heaven, the ultimate sacrifice, for Selphie. Saph was good, and hell's finger couldn't touch her. So she remained on earth, all this while.

"Why can't she go up?"

"Because her seat is taken..."

"Is there no way?"

"Her sister will leave, for purgetry and burn"


"No, The flame which purges sin, and her seat will be ready after"

"She can come back soon"
I had so much to digest, so i decided to ask a lighter question,

"One more thing... do you use toilets in heave- A burst of wind shot forth into my face and a huge hand of light grabbed and threw my from wherever I was, straight into my body- "AH! Eyes opened, I sat up, catching a first breath."
"He's awake!" There were cheers and commotion all over. I was just waiting for an answer. I looked at the crowd of medics, left and right, and caught sight, behind a box of first aid- equipment. I got up, "Wow kid! lie down!" but I didn't listen, and heaved my revived corpse all the way to the field.

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