Friday, April 6

Stepping Through

"Hey Saj! you seen Saph anywhere?" I asked with obvious anxiety.
"Nope, I never see her" Saj replied, amused.
"I was supposed to meet her"
"Really? Happy searching!"
It was after school and I hadn't seen Saph the entire day yet. Calling her mobile didn't help because there was no connection for the most inexplicable reasons. Have you ever had those times where you can never find what you're looking for until you've told yourself you'll never find it, in time at least? I waited till five for her to show up, or call, or both, to no avail. As I walked out the school gate however I heard someone calling me from behind, that voice, It was Sapphire!
"Hey Saph!"
"Hey Chad, I'm really sorry for being late!"
I laughed, "It's ok, what did you want to see me about?"
"I've been spending like half a century loafing around so... Yea, I just wanted to hang out" She smiled.

I took her to dinner at 'Long John's' and we talked about anything, too little time for everything, but I had a good time. I learnt that she isn't a big fan of eating, loved walks on cool quiet nights- helps her think about life, but i was most interested in her song writing passion. She wrote songs when she was happy, when she was sad, there was always a song for every occasion. She even promised to sing a song for me some time soon. But she was very secretive about where she stayed or her family, a broken family probably, and I'd probably never know.

"By the way Saph-"
"What's your CCA? Your in... Net? Soccer? Volleyball?"
There was a second of hesitation before she replied.
"Yea.. I'm in volleyball"
"What's wrong? Don't like it?"
Her hand rose to push away her fringe but I felt it was more of a movement to shelter some sort of uncertainty.
"No, It's nothing" She replied, with an unassuring smile.

Saph refused my offer to walk her home, so much that she refused to move until I got into the train, which explains why we were at the station for two hours, mutual stubbornness. I wondered why she was always seemingly so uncertain about the things around her, she was hiding something.

Upon coming home, a shower, some left over chips and I walked into my room. I was exhausted. I leaned on my door frame and something black caught the side of my eye. I turned and there was the black diary, the one which did not belong to me. Curiosity flipped the book to a random page, curiosity read the random page.

"The uncreatable is being repaired
My senses slowly impaired
I want to go home
I need to go home
Begone to where you've come from
Let me go back home"

It didn't make any sense to me, at that time, it didn't need to, i chucked it on my table and lunged myself towards my bed, straight into a field, this time it was bright.

I guessed it had been morning. And there again, a black figure. It walked to me and said "Hello" I've heard that voice before. From which dream was it? Two more figures had appeared, also black, but they walked to the first figure instead. To my horror the two shadows took out grey chains and locked up the first shadow, screaming to be released. I was screaming too, also to be released, I too was held down, by chains I couldn't see. "Go Away! Let.. let her go!" I leaned forward as hard as I could, with all the might I could possibly conjour and slowly, I was diffusing through my barrier. My vision was blurring as my face, my body was being pulled back and I leaned forward even harder. I made it! My vision became clear again, but everything was in negative, the morning was dark, the shadows now had faces. The two abductors were men, one whose face was covered in unhealed lacerations, oozing green puss while the other's was a burnt bark with only one eye to the left of the face. Naturally, I wanted to run straight at them to let their hostage go, but their faces completely took me aback, they were disgusting, gruesome. Their hostage's face was hidden by long bronze, mildly curled hair, a girl I guessed. I had to help her. I swallowed a prayer "Lord protect me" and ran straight at the two savages, sending the one with the charred face to the ground. I turned around to check if the girl was alright. I saw her face. "Behind you!" I turned to a whip of steel, slashing my face."Ahhh!" I screamed! And sat up, back on my bed, trying to catch a breath. "Where- where" I was swinging left and right, I knew I was home, but it took me awhile to stop looking for that girl, "shit!" I forgot her face.

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